In reference to Intellectual Property, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 stated the following: “Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author".
Over the years, technology has evolved to the point of becoming the base for all commercial activities. Internet, on the other hand is the communication and information media used worldwide; therefore protection of intangible assets takes a great deal of importance.
Intellectual Property recognizes the right of creation of a piece from human intellect, attributable to his author. It is divided into Copyright and Industrial Property, being the first one the protection on any literary, artistic, didactic or scientific production capable of being published by any way or procedure; whereas the second corresponds to the set of rights any natural or legal person is entitled to over a patent, industrial model or trademark.
The Panamanian laws that regulate these subjects are Law No. 35 of 1996, regarding Industrial Property and Law No. 15 of 1994, regarding Copyright, as well as the correspondent decrees and regulation for each law. On an international level, these topics have been treated on a series of Agreements and Treaties such as the Paris Convention, Bern Convention, PCT Agreement, among others.
Besides the artistic productions we all know, technology has opened the door for new types of creations, which due to unique characteristics are in need of a special protection. One of the most important things for us is that our clients gain consciousness over the importance of protecting intangible goods and preserving the obtained rights of such creations.
Our Services include: trademark search and registry, registration of artistic creations on copyright, registry of software and web pages on copyright, preparation and review of contracts, advice on litigation over infringement of copyright, among others.